Images used are copyrighted and are used for demonstration only.
Download the Booklet archive and include the following files (consider the order) into your webpage.
// only if you want to use the stackblur image filter [Algorithm by Mario Klingemann]
<script type="text/javascript" src="cvi_stackblur.js"></script>
// only if you want to use image filters
<script type="text/javascript" src="cvi_filter_lib.js"></script>
// if you want to use language translations [de|el|en|es|fr|it|ja|ko|nl|pt|ru|zh]
<script type="text/javascript" src="booklet_lang.js"></script>
// this one is mandatory
<script type="text/javascript" src="booklet.js"></script>
To add a booklet object, just execute the function "booklet.add( element, { options } );" to a block-level element.
booklet.defaultCallback = ""; //STR function name
booklet.defaultLanguage = null; //OBJ e.g. [language format]
booklet.defaultImagearray = null; //OBJ [data format]
booklet.defaultMainwidth = 600; //INT 280|180-n (px width)
booklet.defaultMainheight = 400; //INT 180|280-n (px height)
booklet.defaultShade = 50; //INT 1-100 (% opacity)
booklet.defaultShadow = 50; //INT 1-100 (% opacity)
booklet.defaultDoublepage = false; //BOOLEAN 1 image fills 2 pages
booklet.defaultCalendarmode = false; //BOOLEAN Top 2 Bottom instead of Left 2 Right
booklet.defaultTopdownshadow = false; //BOOLEAN instead of leftTop to RightBottom
booklet.defaultForcecaption = false; //BOOLEAN use the filename if caption is missing
booklet.defaultForceimginfo = false; //BOOLEAN append image dimensions and used filters to comment
booklet.defaultAutoplay = false; //BOOLEAN set automode to on|off
booklet.defaultVerbose = false; //BOOLEAN console output is more chatty (warnings)
booklet.defaultBuffered = false; //BOOLEAN set render buffer to on|off
booklet.defaultNoshadow = false; //BOOLEAN set shadow to on|off
booklet.defaultNocover = false; //BOOLEAN set cover to on|off
booklet.defaultNopanel = false; //BOOLEAN lock the navigation panel
booklet.defaultNoradius = false; //BOOLEAN set cover radius to on|off
booklet.defaultNotoc = false; //BOOLEAN toc equals table of contents
booklet.defaultTocfirst = false; //BOOLEAN startup with Table Of Contents
booklet.defaultToctooltip = false; //BOOLEAN tooltip instead of overlay text
booklet.defaultPoweroftwo = 4; //INT 2x2 | 3x3 | 4x4 ... TOC thumbs per page
booklet.defaultPagecolor = '#f8f8f8'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultCovercolor = '#808080'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultSelectorcolor = '#000000'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultCovertexture = ''; //STR (image source)
booklet.defaultTextureopacity = 100; //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
booklet.defaultInfobgopacity = 50; //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
booklet.defaultLayeropacity = 50; //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
booklet.defaultLayercolor = '#ffffff'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultInfobgcolor = '#000000'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultInfotxcolor = '#ffffff'; //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultImprintheader = ""; //STR
booklet.defaultImprintbody = ""; //STR
booklet.defaultImprintfooter = ""; //STR
booklet.defaultNotrans = false; //BOOLEAN no transposing from Mfgcolor to Mftcolor
booklet.defaultMeter = false; //BOOLEAN show delay meter while auto playing
booklet.defaultMfgcolor = '#008000'; //STR meter foreground color
booklet.defaultMftcolor = '#ff0000'; //STR meter foreground destination color
booklet.defaultMbgcolor = '#ffffff'; //STR meter background color
booklet.defaultMopacity = 0.5; //FLOAT 0.1-1.0 meter opacity
booklet.defaultMsize = 32; //INT 24-min(width,height) meter dimension
booklet.defaultMposx = 10; //INT 0-(width-msize) meter position x
booklet.defaultMposy = 10; //INT 0-(height-msize) meter position y
*** depends on: cvi_filter_lib.js (syntax at: ***
booklet.defaultFilter = null; //OBJ e.g. [{f:'grayscale'},{f:'emboss', s:1}...]
booklet.defaultFiltertoc = false; //BOOLEAN filter also the thumbnails
booklet.defaultForceglobal = false; //BOOLEAN force global filter over local filter
booklet.defaultAnimsteps = 0; //INT 0-n equals anim steps (0 == use pxperstep value)
booklet.defaultPxperstep = 16; //INT 1-n equals pixel per step
booklet.defaultFramedelay = 33; //INT 20-50 equals milli seconds (1/1000)
booklet.defaultPlaydelay = 0; //INT 0-n equals seconds
booklet.defaultLoadtimeout = 3; //INT 1-60 equals seconds
booklet.defaultButtonsize = 32; //INT 24|32|40|48|56|64 (px)
booklet.defaultButtonradius = 100; //FLT 0.001-100 (% of half size)
booklet.defaultButtonfgcolor = '#ffffff'; //STR (text) hex color declaration '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultButtonbgcolor = '#000000'; //STR (background) hex color declaration '#000000'-'#ffffff'
booklet.defaultOverlayimage = "images/logo.png"; //STR (text) background-image
booklet.defaultOverlaystyle = "font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; color:grey;"; //STR (text) style sheet declaration e.g. "color: black;" or style sheet classes e.g. "overlay text"
booklet.defaultOverlayoptions = {color:'white', opacity:0.5}; //OBJ default values [overlay syntax]
booklet.defaultBusyoptions = {color:'#000000', size:100, type:'o'}; //OBJ default values [busy syntax]
color : 'white' //STR css color declaration e.g. 'black' or '#000000' or 'rgb(0,0,0)'
opacity : 0.5 //FLT 0.001 - 1.0
color : '#000' //STR '#000000' - '#ffffff' or '#000' - '#fff'
size : 32 //INT 16 - 512 (pixel)
type : 'tube' //STR 'circle|oval|polygon|rectangle|tube' or 'c|o|p|r|t'
iradius : 8 //INT 6 - 254 (pixel)
weight : 3 //INT 1 - 254 (pixel)
count : 12 //INT 5 - 36 (rays)
speed : 96 //INT 30 - 1000 (millisec)
minopac : 0.25 //FLT 0.0 - 0.5 (opacity)
lang.overlaytext = "loading images...";
lang.playbutton = "play/pause";
lang.nextbutton = "next";
lang.prevbutton = "previous";
lang.firstbutton = "first";
lang.lastbutton = "last";
lang.fwardbutton = "5x forward";
lang.bwardbutton = "5x backward";
lang.menubutton = "back to contents";
lang.listbutton = "imprint/epilog";
lang.tablebutton = "table of contents";
data = [{
source : 'path/file.jpg', //STR mandatory image path & file (minimum dimension 64x64)
imgshift : 0.5, //FLT optional image shift value (0==top|left, 0.5==center, 1==bottom|right)
delay : null, //FLT optional delay value (seconds)
caption : '', //STR optional caption
comment : '', //STR optional comment (inc. html-tags)
title : '', //STR optional tooltip
link : '', //STR optional URL (js-function by "javascript:...")
target : '_self', //STR optional target ('_self'|'_blank'|'...')
filter : [{f:'grayscale'},{f:'emboss', s:1}...], //OBJ optional (depends on cvi_filter_lib.js)
}, {source: 'image.jpg'}]
booklet.add(element[, options]);
element == block-level element
options e.g. {mainwidth: 180, mainheight: 280, ...}
shade : 50, //INT 1-100 (% opacity)
shadow : 50, //INT 1-100 (% opacity)
covercolor : '#808080', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
covertexture : '', //STR (image source)
textureopacity : 100, //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
topdownshadow : false, //BOOLEAN instead of leftTop to RightBottom
noshadow : false, //BOOLEAN set shadow to on|off
nocover : false, //BOOLEAN set cover to on|off
noradius : false, //BOOLEAN set cover radius to on|off
overlayimage : "images/logo.png", //STR (text) background-image
overlaystyle : "font-weight:bold; font-size:14px; color:grey;", //STR (text) style sheet declaration e.g. "color: black;" or style sheet classes e.g. "overlay text"
overlayoptions : {color:'white', opacity:0.5}, //OBJ default values [overlay syntax]
busyoptions : {color:'#000000', size:100, type:'o'}, //OBJ default values [busy syntax]
callback : "", //STR function name
language : null, //OBJ e.g. [language format]
imagearray : null, //OBJ [data format]
mainwidth : 600, //INT 280|180-n (px width)
mainheight : 400, //INT 180|280-n (px height)
doublepage : false, //BOOLEAN 1 image fills 2 pages
calendarmode : false, //BOOLEAN Top-2-Bottom instead of Left-2-Right
autoplay : false, //BOOLEAN set automode to on|off
verbose : false, //BOOLEAN console output is more chatty (warnings)
buffered : false, //BOOLEAN set render buffer to on|off
nopanel : false, //BOOLEAN lock the navigation panel
animsteps : 0, //INT 0-n equals anim steps (0 == use pxperstep value)
pxperstep : 16, //INT 1-n equals pixel per step
framedelay : 33, //INT 20-50 equals milli seconds (1/1000)
playdelay : 0, //INT 0-n equals seconds
loadtimeout : 3, //INT 1-60 equals seconds
pagecolor : '#f8f8f8', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
filter : null, //OBJ e.g. [{f:'grayscale'},{f:'emboss', s:1}...]
filtertoc : false, //BOOLEAN filter also the thumbnails
forceglobal : false, //BOOLEAN force global filter over local filter
*** depends on: cvi_filter_lib.js (syntax at: ***
notoc : false, //BOOLEAN toc equals Table of contents
poweroftwo : 4, //INT 2x2 | 3x3 | 4x4 ... toc thumbs per page
tocfirst : false, //BOOLEAN startup with Table Of Contents
toctooltip : false, //BOOLEAN tooltip instead of overlay text
selectorcolor : '#000000', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
layeropacity : 50, //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
layercolor : '#ffffff', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
forcecaption : false, //BOOLEAN use the filename if caption is missing
forceimginfo : false, //BOOLEAN append image dimensions and used filters to comment
infobgopacity : 50, //FLT 1-100 (% opacity)
infobgcolor : '#000000', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
infotxcolor : '#ffffff', //STR '#000000'-'#ffffff'
imprintheader : "", //STR
imprintbody : "", //STR
imprintfooter : "", //STR
buttonsize : 32, //INT 24|32|40|48|56|64 (px)
buttonradius : 100, //FLT 0.001-100 (% of half size)
buttonfgcolor : '#ffffff', //STR (text) hex color declaration '#000000'-'#ffffff'
buttonbgcolor : '#000000', //STR (background) hex color declaration '#000000'-'#ffffff'
notrans : false, //BOOLEAN no transposing from Mfgcolor to Mftcolor
meter : false, //BOOLEAN show delay meter while auto playing
mfgcolor : '#008000', //STR meter foreground color
mftcolor : '#ff0000', //STR meter foreground destination color
mbgcolor : '#ffffff', //STR meter background color
mopacity : 0.5, //FLOAT 0.1-1.0 meter opacity
msize : 32, //INT 24-min(width,height) meter dimension
mposx : 10, //INT 0-(width-msize) meter position x
mposy : 10, //INT 0-(height-msize) meter position y, imagearray [, options]);
element == block-level element
imagearray == OBJECT [data format]
options e.g. {framedelay: 40, nopanel: false, ...}
callback : "", //STR function name
language : null, //OBJ e.g. [language format]
forcecaption : false, //BOOLEAN use the filename if caption is missing
forceimginfo : false, //BOOLEAN append image dimensions and used filters to comment
filter : null, //OBJ e.g. [{f:'grayscale'},{f:'emboss', s:1}...]
filtertoc : false, //BOOLEAN filter also the thumbnails
tocfirst : false, //BOOLEAN startup with Table Of Contents
forceglobal : false, //BOOLEAN force global filter over local filter
autoplay : false, //BOOLEAN set automode to on|off
verbose : false, //BOOLEAN console output is more chatty (warnings)
buffered : false, //BOOLEAN set render buffer to on|off
nopanel : false, //BOOLEAN lock the navigation panel
toctooltip : false, //BOOLEAN tooltip instead of overlay text
imprintheader : "", //STR
imprintbody : "", //STR
imprintfooter : "", //STR
notrans : false, //BOOLEAN no transposing from Mfgcolor to Mftcolor
meter : false, //BOOLEAN show delay meter while auto playing
mfgcolor : '#008000', //STR meter foreground color
mftcolor : '#ff0000', //STR meter foreground destination color
mbgcolor : '#ffffff', //STR meter background color
mopacity : 0.5, //FLOAT 0.1-1.0 meter opacity
msize : 32, //INT 24-min(width,height) meter dimension
mposx : 10, //INT 0-(width-msize) meter position x
mposy : 10, //INT 0-(height-msize) meter position y
animsteps : 0, //INT 0-n equals anim steps (0 == use pxperstep value)
pxperstep : 16, //INT 1-n equals pixel per step
framedelay : 33, //INT 20-50 equals milli seconds (1/1000)
playdelay : 0, //INT 0-n equals seconds
loadtimeout : 3, //INT 1-60 equals seconds;
(start playing)booklet.stop(element);
(stop playing)booklet.first(element);
(show first image)booklet.prev(element);
(show previous image), image_number);
(show this image);
(show next image)booklet.last(element);
(show last image)FLOAT = booklet.version;
STRING = booklet.released;
BOOLEAN = booklet.canvas();
BOL|INT|STR = booklet.get(element, ['setup'|'blocked'|'curling'|'playing'|'current'|'total'|'viewmode'|'origin'|'imginfo', image_number] );
setup == BOOLEAN uninitialized
blocked == BOOLEAN unaccessible
curling == BOOLEAN transition in action
playing == BOOLEAN autoplay in action
current == INTEGER current image number (starting with zero)
total == INTEGER no. of all images
viewmode == STRING matches "image" or "toc"
origin == STRING location protocol & host
imginfo == OBJECT [name|source|abs_url|diff_origin|filter|width|height]
booklet.set(element, ['playdelay'|'nopanel'], value);
playdelay == INTEGER 0 - n seconds
nopanel == BOOLEAN true | false
booklet.remove(image, value);
value == BOOLEAN (fade out)
if(typeof $=='undefined') {function $(v) {return(document.getElementById(v));}}
if(booklet.canvas()) {booklet.add($('my_div'));} else {alert('Sorry jurassic-guy!');}
booklet.add($('my_div'), {mainwidth:800, mainheight:600});
<button type="button" onclick="booklet.set($('my_div'),'play',true);"> > </button>
<button type="button" onclick="booklet.set($('my_div'),'stop',true);"> || </button>
alert('booklet: '+booklet.version+' ('+booklet.released+')');$('my_div'),52);$('my_div'),my_options);
You'll get access to additional features by the following support libraries (not a part of distribution):
filter : [{#1 filter options},{#2 filter options}...];
options e.g. {f: 'contrast', s: 1.5 }
f == STRING filter name e.g. "invert" Default: null (required)
"anaglyph"1.7 Creates a 3D anaglyph from a single image [no args]
"invert"1.0 Reverses all colors of the image [no args]
"invertalpha"1.0 Reverses the transparency of the image [no args]
"grayscale"1.0 Converts the image into grayscale [no args]
"solarize"1.0 Solarizes the image by negating the colors [no args]
"sepia"1.0 Applies the well-known sepia coloring to the image [no args]
"threshold"1.0 Converts the image to black&white (s<1 == darker and s>1 == brighter)
"posterize"1.4 Posterizes the image by quantizing each channel to a limited number of levels
"tritone"1.5 Applies 3 colors for low|mid|high range according to the brightness of the image
"mixrgb"1.5 Mixes the RGB channels with the other two channels
"exposure"1.4 Simulates changing the exposure of the image
"gamma"1.0 Standard gamma correction (s<1 == darker and s>1 == brighter)
"brightness"1.0 Change brightness (s<1 == darker and s>1 == brighter)
"contrast"1.0 Change contrast (s<1 == lower and s>1 == higher)
"adjustrgba"1.0 Adjust the red & green & blue & alpha channel of the image (s == [r,g,b,a])
"adjusthsba"1.0 Adjust hue & saturation & brightness & alpha channel of the image (s == [h,s,b,a])
"adjustyuva"1.6 Adjust luminance & blue–yellow chrominance & red–cyan chrominance & alpha channel of the image (s == [y,u,v,a])
"colorkey"1.6 Set alpha to 0 if pixel color values are higher than min and lower than max rgb color
"chromakey"1.6 Set alpha to 0 if pixel hue & saturation & brightness matches
"multiplyalpha"1.0 Multiplies the colors by the alpha values [no args]
"unmultiplyalpha"1.0 Unmultiplies the alpha values from the colors [no args]
"alphamask"1.0 Creates an alpha mask of the image [no args]
"stackblur"1.0 Blurs the image (result is similar to gaussian bluring)
"smooth"1.3 Smoothes the image (result is similar to bluring)
"spinblur"1.2 Blurs by rotating the centered image
"zoomblur"1.2 Blurs by zooming the centered image
"motionblur"1.2 Blurs by moving the image to a defined direction
"tiltshift"1.0 Blurs partly to create the miniature fake effect
"outline"1.5 Creates grayscaled outline images by different operators (e.g. sobel, prewitt...).
"convolve"1.0 Use your own 3x3 matrix via option m=[[n,n,n],[n,n,n],[n,n,n]]
"blur"1.0 Bluring the image by (in build and extendable cvi_matrix object) convolution
"median"1.0 Smoothes grainy images by (in build and extendable cvi_matrix object) convolution
"sharpen"1.0 Makes image sharper by (in build and extendable cvi_matrix object) convolution
"sharper"1.0 Makes image even sharper by (in build and extendable cvi_matrix object) convolution
"bumplt"1.0 Embosses the image by (in build and extendable cvi_matrix object) convolution
"bumpbr"1.0 ...
s == FLOAT/OBJECT multiplier(s) e.g. 0-255 Defaults to... (optional)
1 if f=="zoomblur|spinblur" Distance (px)
1 if f=="stackblur" Radius (1-180) (only if cvi_stackblur.js is loaded)
1 if f=="smooth" Radius (px 1-10)
1 if f=="posterize" Number of levels (1-16)
1 if f=="threshold" Multiplier of 127 (0-2)
1 if f=="brightness|contrast|gamma|exposure" Multiplier of existing value (0-255)
[1,0] if f=="motionblur" Distance (px) and angle (0-360)
[0.5,0.4, if f=="tiltshift" Unmask position (0.0-1.0) and size (0.0-1.0)
0,4] and horizontal or vertical orientation (0|1) and blur radius (px 1-8)
[auto,0] if f=="convolve" or m!=null. Divisor of convolution result (-1==auto),
useable for normalization and bias (0-255) for brightness addition
[1,0, if f=="outline" Divisor of convolution result, bias (0-255)
'name'] and operator ('sobel'|'scharr'|'prewitt'|'kirsh'|'roberts')
[1,1,1,1] if f=="adjustrgba" red, green, blue, alpha. Multipliers of existing values (0-255)
[1,1,1,1] if f=="adjusthsba" hue, saturation, brightness, alpha. Multiply existing values (0-255)
[1,1,1,1] if f=="adjustyuva" luminance, blue–yellow chrominance, red–cyan chrominance, alpha. Multiply existing values (0-255)
[0,0,0,0,0] f=="chromakey" hue (0-360) and hue tolerance, min saturation, min brightness, max brightness (0-100)
[[0,0,0], if f=="colorkey" equals rgb min and rgb max triplet (0-255)
[[1,1,1], if f=="mixrgb" Mix into r, g, b with...
[1,1,1]] ...bluegreen, redblue, greenred as triplets [0-255,0-255,0-255]
[[0,0,0], if f=="tritone" low|mid|high range colors as...
[0,0,0], ...rgb triplets [0-255,0-255,0-255]
m == OBJECT kernel matrix e.g. [[n,n,n],[n,n,n],[n,n,n]] Default: null (optional)
In old browsers, the script degrades and your visitors will notice the fallback content.
Please read the license before you download booklet.js 1.3
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before you contact the author.
Generally: The larger the canvas area the higher the needed cpu/gpu power.
The concept behind booklet (lots of mouse-over events) makes it not very useable on mouseless platforms. Nevertheless a nasty webkit bug (iOS only) prevents booklet to view images in the correct manner. On the other hand, it runs well on Android.
There are multiple mouseover-areas, fading panels in and out!
At initial release of booklet.js, Internet Explorer 9 was not available as a final release (beta only). So it's canvas implementation was not completed at this stage (missing Composite Operation), and a few bugs had to be eliminated. That are the reasons why the tiltshift filter is broken, and why some mouse-over elements do not fade softly!
Due to a bunch of reasons the Internet Explorer 6/7/8 version is missing a lot of features. No table of contents. No filters. No button inverting. No soft fading. Page turn is just a fake.
If you want to use filters with images from other origins, you need a simple proxy to outsmart the security mechanism. This is because of the Same origin policy. SOLUTION: use a proxy like "imgproxy.php?url=" as a prefix in path (imgproxy.php is open source and part of the distribution)!
Version 1.3
Please leave any comments at this contact formular.
booklet.js is distributed under the Netzgestade Non-commercial Software License Agreement.
License permits free of charge use on non-commercial and private web sites only under special conditions (as described in the license).
This license equals neither "open source" nor "public domain".
There are also Commercial Software Licenses available.