S5 Test Drive

Christian Effenberger


Slideshows background music is "chillout.mp3"

Scalable Images

Image scaling is based on window size. Use the class name "scale" to make your images scalable. "scale" should always be the first class and the <img> tag must include width and height attributes. Image dimension should fit for high resolution displays. Create your slides always in a browser window with inner width and height of 800×600. If your image is (for example) set to 200×160 it should be 400×320 to match even a maximum resolution of 1600×1200.

Scalable Incremental Images

Scalable Incremental Anims

Scalable Flash

Object scaling is based on window size. Use the class name "scale" to make your object scalable. "scale" should always be the first class and the <object> tag must include width and height attributes. Object dimension should fit for high resolution displays. Create your slides always in a browser window with inner width and height of 800×600. If your object is (for example) set to 200×200 it should be 400×400 to match even a maximum resolution of 1600×1200.

Scalable Vector Graphics

Browser is unable to view SVG! Object scaling is based on window size. Use the class name "scale" to make your object scalable. "scale" should always be the first class and the <object> tag must include width and height attributes. Object dimension should fit for high resolution displays. Create your slides always in a browser window with inner width and height of 800×600. If your object is (for example) set to 200×200 it should be 400×400 to match even a maximum resolution of 1600×1200.